Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions when starting a business.
Find answers to some of the most common questions people ask when starting and growing a business.
Sign up for our Starting a Small Business Seminar for an introduction and essential start-up steps.
Please complete an Intake Form if you have additional questions.
How do I start a business?
Starting a business is easy – register a business name and you’re ready to go, but starting a successful business takes a bit more effort.
Over the years we’ve found most successful business owners have followed these simple steps.
Steps In Starting A Successful Business:
- Get an idea
- Determine feasibility
- Research consumer, competition, market & industry
- Develop a business plan
- Arrange financing
- Obtain necessary registrations & licenses
- Implement your business plan = Open for business!
To start, we recommend attending our free Starting A Small Business Webinar. This webinar is for individuals who are in the beginning stages of starting a business, and are looking to explore what is involved. Topics covered include the characteristics of an entrepreneur, steps to starting a business, business structures and registration, some licensing and tax considerations, and more. It will also provide an overview of the services and programs the Small Business Centre offers to help you launch your business. This free seminar is 90 minutes in length. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from the questions other seminar attendees put forward.
After reviewing the general start up the information, you may have more questions. We recommend checking our events calendar for a resource that suits your needs. Alternatively, you can request a free consultation with a Business Advisor by completing the Intake Form here.
Do I have to register my business?
“Registering” a business most often refers to registering the name of a business. Under the Business Names Act of Ontario, businesses must register their name. Individuals using their own name (e.g. John Smith) to carry on business do not have to register unless a word is added to their name (e.g. John Smith Bookkeeping). For more information on choosing a name and registering your business visit Service Ontario website.
A Business Licence may be required for some businesses in order to operate in Ontario. This is in addition to the business name registration. For example, “Joe’s Garage” is required to register its business name and obtain a licence in order to operate as a garage. To determine if your business will be affected by local regulations, licences, municipal business tax or zoning requirements contact the clerk of the city, town, village or rural municipality where your business will be located. Use the BizPal website to access business licences and permits information online.
You must also register if you are registered as a form of limited liability company.
There are various ways to register your business: a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or an incorporation are most common. To learn about these ownership types and compare their advantages and disadvantages, you can attend our free Starting A Small Business Seminar. It is for individuals who are in the beginning stages of starting a business and are looking to explore what is involved. Topics covered include the characteristics of an entrepreneur, steps to starting a business, business structures and registration, some licensing and tax considerations, and more. It will also provide an overview of the services and programs the Small Business Centre offers to help you launch your business. This free seminar is 90-minutes in length. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from the questions other seminar attendees put forward.
Learn more about how to register your business.
What is a Business Name Registration?
A Business Name Registration refers to a registration under the Business Names Act. Business Names can be registered through Service Ontario, in-person or online. A business name expires every 5 years, and must be renewed to maintain control of that business name.
Where do I register my business?
The Process to Register your business in Ontario is done ONLINE. There are two ways you can register your business in Ontario:
Option 1 – OWNR
If you would like to register a sole proprietorship or a corporation, one option is to use a licensed platform called OWNR. It is a very user-friendly platform that can help you register your business in minutes. Complete with 30 free business name searches, exclusive discounts and offers for your business, and dedicated customer support to guide you every step of the way.
Use OWNR to receive 20% off your business registration, incorporation, or managed corporation plan today. Managed corporation plans also include unlimited access to OWNR’s legal agreement library.
When registering through OWNR, your account will be given a Company Key that can be used to access the Ontario Business Registry to make any changes to the company if needed in the future.
When registering with OWNR you will be prompted to book an appointment with a financial institution to open a business bank account. If you click the option “Open an account in-branch” this will skip that step and allow you to proceed with the registration.
Click here to register your business through OWNR today!
Note the following link will take you off the London SBC website
Partnerships cannot be registered through OWNR.
Option 2 – Ontario Business Registry (Through Service Ontario)
The first step is to create an ONe-Key ID account. Ensure you have a valid email address for confirmation purposes and make sure that you keep all your login credentials secure for future use.
- The cost to register or renew a sole proprietorship or partnership is $60.
- The cost to incorporate your business through this platform is $300.
- The cost to add an operating name to a numbered corporation is $60.
- (If you require a named corporation, you will need to have completed a NUANS name search before incorporating. The name search costs $13.80 and can be completed (insert link to NUANS here). You will have to include “Inc.” “Ltd.” or “Corp.” in your name search even though the NUANS website will say not to.)
- Note: Only VISA, VISA/Debit, Mastercard, or Mastercard/Debit are accepted payment methods, and an email is required for all forms of registration).
An Ontario Business Licence is valid for 5 years. If you had a licence which is older then 5 years (and more than 60 days past the expiry date) then you will have to register a new licence. If your licence is less than 5 years old and you need to renew it, you will have to request what is known as a Company Key on the Ontario Business Registry. This Company Key is a code that once requested is sent to you either by email or postcard which will allow you to claim your licence and tie it to a new ONe-Key ID account. Once the old licence is tied to the new account you will be able to pay the $60 to renew your previous licence. (As this process tends to cause some confusion, it may be easier to let your previous licence fully expire and just register again under a new business licence with the same name).
Click here to take you to the Ontario Business Registry website to register online.
Note: the following link will take you off the London SBC website
Now, look for the text saying, “Register your business or not-for-profit corporation online.”
After clicking that text, find the option on the list that applied to you. You will then be prompted to sign up for an ONe-Key ID account. After creating the account and saving your login information, follow the instructions and enter the relevant information the application asks for. If done correctly, you will eventually pay a fee, and your Business Licence or Articles of Incorporation will be sent to the email address you have put on your account/application.
Business Number
These processes register your business for a Business Identification Number (BIN) (or an Ontario Corporation Number (OCN)) and not a Business Number (BN). A business number (BN) is your single account number for dealing with the federal government regarding taxes, payroll, import or export and other activities. If you plan to hire employees or if you will be importing and/or exporting products or services, you will need to get a business number. If you sell goods and services in Ontario, you may need a business number to charge and remit the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For more information, contact the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-5525.
Do I need a business licence?
A Business Licence is required by particular businesses in order to operate. This is in addition to the business name registration. For example, “Joe’s Garage” is required to register its business name with the Ontario Companies and Personal Property Security Branch, Ontario Ministry of Government Services, AND obtain a licence in order to operate as a garage. To determine if your business will be affected by local regulations, licences, municipal business tax or zoning requirements contact the clerk of the city, town, village or rural municipality where your business will be located.
What types of businesses require a licence in London, ON?
What is a Business Identification Number (BIN)?
A Business Identification Number (BIN) is the number assigned by the Companies and Personal Property Security Branch, Ontario Business Information System (ONBIS) to your business name registration. This is not your federal Business Number (BN) issued by the Canada Revenue Agency.
What is a Business Number (BN)?
A Business Number (BN) is a federal numbering system that replaces the multiple numbers businesses require to deal with the government. The business number includes Goods and Services Tax (GST), import/export, payroll deductions and/or corporate income tax.
Learn how to register for a business number:
Is it mandatory to register for HST?
Most businesses that operate in Ontario and have annual sales, or revenues, totalling more than $30,000 must register for and charge HST. If your total annual sales are less than or equal to $30,000, you are considered to be a small supplier and are not required to register and charge HST. Depending on the nature of your business you may still choose to register as you will be able to claim input tax credits (ITCs) to recover the GST/HST you pay or owe on your business purchases.You may also find that some clients may only do business with businesses registered for HST.
When you register for HST you are given a unique Business Number (BN). If you have not obtained a BN, you do not charge HST.
For further information, visit the web site: Should I Register for HST?
You may contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) directly to inquire about the regulations mentioned above, by calling 1-800-959-5525.
In London, visit: Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) 451 Talbot St., PO Box 5548 London, ON N6A 4R3
What is a business plan and why do I need one?
A business plan is a written document that describes your business, its objectives and strategies, the market you’re targeting and your financial requirements and expectations. It’s important to have a business plan because it helps you set realistic goals, secure external funding, measure your success, clarify operational requirements and establish reasonable financial forecasts. Preparing a business plan will also help you focus on how to operate your new business and give it the best chance for success.
Learn more and access tools to develop your Business Plan.
How do I put a business plan together?
Start by defining your business objectives; think about who is going to read the plan. Your objectives can help you decide how much emphasis to put on various sections of your plan. You will need to do some research in order to find out more about your industry, potential customers, competitors, sales and costs of doing business. A business plan is only as good as the research that went into producing it.
Your plan must reflect your objectives and should flow like a good story, with the sections working together to demonstrate why the business will be successful. Don’t rely too much on sample business plans. Plans that borrow too much information from samples or other business plans tend to be disjointed, with some sections contradicting others and some key issues being overlooked.
For many readers, the financial section is the most important part of the business plan, because it identifies your financing needs and shows the profit potential of your business. A good financial plan will also give the reader confidence that you understand your business. Be sure to test how reasonable each of your expectations are. If you are overly optimistic or fail to take into account the full costs of running your business, your business plan will not be credible.
Along with the financial section, your executive summary is an important part of your business plan. People will read it first and for some it may be the only section that is read. The keys to a good summary are that it should be short (two pages at most), it should highlight what is important in your plan and it should get the reader excited about your business.
To help get your business plan started, visit our business planning resources webpage, where you can find a business plan checklist, online templates, and research tools.
You may also be interested in attending our Business Planning Guide Workshop. Review our events calendar.
Our Business Advisors can review your plan at any stage, make suggestions, and direct you to the appropriate resources. Please complete an Intake Form to connect with an advisor for business plan assistance.
Are there grants available for starting my business?
While there has been a reduction in the number of grants available to general business start-up in the past few years, there are some monies available. Most programs are targeted strictly to specific industries, geographical areas or particular groups of entrepreneurs (minority groups, youth, employment insurance recipients, etc.).
To learn about potential funding opportunities at the Small Business Centre and abroad visit our Funding for Small Business resources page.
A business plan is required to access any funding, whether it be from our Centre, a bank, or another institution. Learn more about business plans and resources available!
Where can I get a loan for my business?
In the early stages of your business development, the most important financial sources will probably be you, your friends, relatives and financial institutions.
The most common source of financing for small businesses is the chartered bank. Banks can provide a number of financing options, such as short-term loans, long-term mortgage loans and, in some cases, loans against inventory or accounts receivable. Other important sources of financing in this category include trust companies and credit unions.
For very small firms and home-based businesses, credit cards and lines of credit often provide a ready means of obtaining small-scale debt capital. While convenient, they bear relatively high rates of interest and limit the amount of capital available.
Each situation is different, and it is critical that a good business plan be developed to determine the overall needs of the business.
Where can I get professional advice for my business?
Through the Small Business Centre’s Access to Professionals service, you can connect with accountants, lawyers, and human resources professionals for one-on-one consultations on business-related issues.
The business advisors can refer you to a volunteer. Please complete an Intake Form to connect with a business advisor.
What are the benefits to incorporating?
A corporation is a legal entity that is separate from its owners, the shareholders. Shareholders of a corporation are not personally liable for the debts, obligations or acts of the corporation. Directors, officers and insiders can bear some liability for their involvement with the corporation. A corporation can be formed at either the federal or provincial level.
- Limited liability
- Specialized management
- Ownership is transferable
- Continuous existence
- Separate legal entity
- Possible tax advantage (if you qualify for small business tax rate)
- Easier to raise capital