Business Plan
A business plan is a written document that describes your business, its objectives and strategies, the market you’re targeting and your financial requirements and expectations.
Having a business plan is important because it helps you set realistic goals, secure external funding, measure your success, clarify operational requirements and establish reasonable financial forecasts. Preparing a business plan will also help you focus on how to operate your new business and give it the best chance for success.
The length and detail of your plan will depend on the nature of the business you’re starting. If you’re starting a part-time or home-based business on a shoestring budget, your plan may not be as comprehensive as someone seeking thousands of dollars in financing. However, you should still create a plan outlining your goals, expected costs, marketing plan and exit strategy.
Download the Small Business Centre’s Business Plan Checklist to get started on your plan.
Business Plan Templates provided by BDC. contains the largest single collection of free sample business plans online. In addition to that, it has helpful tools and know- how for managing your business.
Canada Business Website
Find out how to write a business plan and access templates and sample business plans.
Business Plan Information Handouts
Be sure to check out the Market Research resources.
Business Advisory Assistance
Our Business Advisors are available to review your business plan, provide constructive feedback, and direct you to additional resources. If you are looking for one-on-one assistance, please view our Advisory Assistance page for further direction.
Caution: Utilizing a template or a software program to craft a business plan may make it simpler to put a business plan together, but there are limitations when it comes to creating a unique presentation. This lack of uniqueness can be a problem when a business wants to stand out to potential lenders and investors. Thus, while these business plan tools can be useful in putting a preliminary business plan together, they are not always useful in the long term.
Upcoming Workshop
IN-PERSON: Business Planning Guide Workshop
Monday, April 28th, 2025